Thursday, November 2, 2017



  1. Such a sexy man. Love it when guys wear their boots on their bare legs and wear their sneakers and other shoes without socks. So erotic when guy wear only their boots or shoes and nothing else.

  2. Chuck is just the sort of man I want seductively draped across my four-poster bed as he’s a super-hot Daddy who IMHO is, hairy where it counts, horny and hunky with his natural body hair intact and not suffering from the psychotic barber who delights in the Lady Shave effect where Alopecia of the pubes is in vogue …
    For me, Chuck has the Ermine pubes surrounding his Crown Jewels with their “Orb and Sceptre” displayed
    Just perfectly as a Prince among men in the Royal Hall of Fame to worship and praise as a real man, and is not just another modern-day shop mannequin as so many are now that lack style and class. Chuck has it all and would like him as a Boner Buddy Daddy as he’s awesome and someone I want to touch all over.


  3. Chuck is just the sort of man I want seductively draped across my four-poster bed as he’s a super-hot Daddy who IMHO is, hairy where it counts, horny and hunky with his natural body hair intact and not suffering from the psychotic barber who delights in the Lady Shave effect where Alopecia of the pubes is in currently in vogue … but just so yesterday’s news.
    For me, Chuck has the Ermine pubes surrounding his Crown Jewels with their “Orb and Sceptre” displayed. Just perfectly as a Prince among men in the Royal Hall of Fame to worship and praise as a real man, and is not just another modern-day shop mannequin as so many are now that lack style and class. Chuck has it all and would like him as a Boner Buddy Daddy as he’s awesome.
